Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Locker Drop Off

Today was Sarah's Locker Drop Off day. She was able to bring all of her supplies to school and organize her locker. This year she gets a locker entirely to herself rather than having to share one. I don't know how she did that last year. Plus, I think I wrote about how she got stuck with a rather undesirable partner. I was so glad when she got moved.

Sarah is really excited this year because she can personalize her locker much more. She gets to decorate it as she sees fit, stickers, magnets, pictures, all of it. I even had to take her back this evening because she wanted to move around some of her stick-on mirrors and add some more of her drawings to the inside of her door. Sarah also got to meet her homeroom teacher (or as they call it their "Flex Class teacher") tonight, which I think is a good thing. It is always good, especially in a big school, to make sure that your teachers know who you are.

She also took some of her friend's things to put in her locker because she is gone in Washington DC until the weekend. If the kids don't go over the next couple of days, they can't do it until the first day of school, which would be a lot of stuff to haul. So Sarah offered to bring in a bunch of things for her. Of course she had to check to make sure that nothing got moved from earlier in the afternoon, since she and her friend are the only ones who know the combination.