Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday School

Sunday Kris and I spent a couple of hours attending a class by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. We had to do this because I volunteered to be an aide for Alison's Sunday School class. For whatever reason, Kris was the one who ended up being roped into doing it. With Kris's work schedule having to work on weekends, she can't make all the classes, which is why I was supposed to be the one doing it.

I told Kris I would take care of it, but she agreed to split the time. So I will be doing it on the weeks where she is working. I may help out on the other weeks as well, I'll have to see how things go. But the class we had to sit through was for providing a Safe Environment. This is apparently some charter that has been dictated by The Vatican, so anyone who is in contact with children is required to sit through this training (Thank you very much you pedophile priests!). It wasn't a bad class overall. It is probably something that I would recommend. It was ways to identify behavior in adults and in children that may give warning signs of possible sexual abuse. The videos contained actual offenders describing how they would manipulate children into situations to provide them opportunities. Actually, some of the stories were rather reprehensible.

But we finished our "training" and now will never have to do it again. Sunday School starts in two weeks and I'm not quite sure what an aide will do, but stay tuned for details.