Wednesday, August 25, 2010

That Time Of Year

It is the time of year that all parents dream about. I am talking, of course, about back to school time. Summer vacation is finally over! We have been getting ready since we got from vacation, checking supplies, making sure the girls had all their school clothes, trying to get them back onto the school year schedule rather than the summer vacation one.

We only have a week to go and Kris and I still need to finalize how Alison is getting to school. With the redistricting we now are no longer getting bussed to school. The cutoff point is one mile from school and we are about .9 miles by the district's calculation (even though the route I drive comes out to a mile). Right now Kris will be driving Alison and picking her up every day. Hopefully we will be able to find someone in the neighborhood to carpool with on a regular basis so we don't have to do it every single day of the year.