Monday, April 30, 2012

Good News and Bad News

Today we got some good news and some bad news.  Or should I say Sarah got some good news and some bad news.  Today was supposed to be the day that Sarah got her braces off.  She went to the orthodontist and he told her that there was still a gap that needed to be closed on her upper teeth, so the bands on top are staying on for another 3-4 weeks.  But she did get the bottom braces off and is going in on Wednesday to get her lower retainer.

I even took a picture of her this morning before school with the intent of posting a before and after picture of her teeth with and without braces.  Something for her to remember...  the last picture of her with wires on her teeth, but I guess we'll be waiting for at least another three weeks, so check back mid-May and hopefully we'll have better news.