Thursday, April 12, 2012

Recovery Progress

Things are coming along slowly after surgery.  The first couple of days were a little painful, and I did my best not to use any vicodin, especially since it made me feel so sleepy.  After the first couple of days I was going a little stir crazy, not doing anything, other than a little bit of walking around to go see Kris's dad.  I don't think that I could ever be rich because sitting around all day doing nothing and having other people do stuff for you would drive me crazy.  I did it for two days and I couldn't stand it.

As of today (Thursday) things are going pretty good.  There is still some tenderness to the touch and the muscle feels tight where things were stitched up, so I'll have to just be careful not to try and do too much too quickly.  I think that I will be able to feel if I am overdoing it.  I am ready to head back to work, but I have to wait until I see the doctor next week.  I shouldn't have said anything about it, and I could be going back to work tomorrow.