Friday, April 13, 2012

Not So Smart TV

Another project I have been working on while recouping from my surgery is figuring out the new television.  It is a Samsung and a Smart TV, like they show in the commercials.  Alison wants to be able to talk to the TV and wave her hand to make it do things. 

So I took out the manual to read up on it and if I install a wireless LAN adapter, I should be able to do a bunch of things with it via the internet.  Unfortunately, Samsung doesn't include the adapter with the TV, it has to be purchased separately.  So I headed back to Best Buy and of course, they don't carry the Samsung adapter.  What is even worse, is that they are not interchangeable between TVs.  But what they did have was an adapter that I could hook into the TV with an ethernet cable that will pick up the signal from my wireless router.

I spent about four hours messing with it on Wednesday, and couldn't get it to pick up the signal.  Then I finally realized that I didn't have the WPS enabled on the router.  Once I did enable it, it worked for about 5 minutes, and while I was resetting everything, it lost the signal again.  And once the signal was lost, all the computers and ipods, etc. that used the router lost their signals too.  After an hour, I figured it out and was able to reconnect everything, everything except the TV that is.  But I figured I would lweave it alone and work on it again in Thursday.

On Thursday, I plugged the adapter back in, but didn't enable it, or so I thought.  I was busy doing some other things around the house and when I was able to sit down and look at it, I noticed that once again, all the computers in the house had lost their internet connection.  I finally just completely unplugged it figuring this was going to be something I would need quite some time to figure out.  I then spent the next hour or so resetting the router and reconnecting all the computers AGAIN. 

So right now, our Smart TV is not very smart.  I know that based on all the instructions I have it should be working, or I should be able to get it working.  I am just going to need some time to work this out.  I should be able to figure things out.