Sunday, April 1, 2012

Primary Season

Primary season has been here for the last couple of weeks, though it has been ramping up over the last couple of days.  Since about Thursday last week, we have been getting the campaign robo-calls, at least two a day, though I think the most we got in a single 24 hour period has been five.  I can't wait for this primary to be over because these calls are so annoying.  I know they do it to reach those uninformed people out there, but I have decided who I will vote for and I am not going to change my mind, so stop calling me already.  I wish there was a choice of "Press 3 to let us know you have decided who you will vote for and we will stop calling".

After Tuesday things should settle down until, what?  Maybe August?  Whenever the conventions start.  Then it will be on all over again.